In addition to the Mend the Gap learning materials, you have the opportunity to validate your learning by utilising the Mend the Gap Certification Framework. This framework is designed to enhance your learning journey and better understand the purpose of these materials. Through the completion the Mend the Gap Train the Trainer Programme, you can achieve the following certificates:
After finishing the Module 1 in The Mend the Gap Train the Trainer Programme – “Training and Facilitation for Trainers” I am able to:
After finishing the Module 2 in The Mend the Gap Train the Trainer Programme – “Empowerment and Motivation Techniques for Women Entrepreneurs” I am able to:
After finishing the Module 3 in The Mend the Gap Train the Trainer Programme – “Financial education” I am able to:
After finishing the Module 4 in The Mend the Gap Train the Trainer Programme – “Entrepreneurship” I am able to:
After finishing the Module 5 in The Mend the Gap Train the Trainer Programme – “Eco-Entrepreneurship (or ecopreneurship)” I am able to:
After finishing the Module 6 in The Mend the Gap Train the Trainer Programme – “Gender at Work – Building Equality” I am able to:
After finishing the Module 7 in The Mend the Gap Train the Trainer Programme – “Conciliation” I am able to:
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