
Unit 1: Understanding Work-Life Balance Challenges

Unit 2: Time Management and Prioritisation Techniques

Unit 3: Promoting Mental and Emotional Well-being

Unit 4: Self-Care and Stress Management Strategies

In this module you will find


Aim & Competences


Key concepts, background information, relevant theories


Exercises, self-reflection & practical resources to promote inclusive e-learning


Frequently used words of the module


Advice, ideas and proposals on relevant issues


  • Family
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Stress
  • Re-entry
  • Equal access


This module aims to:

  • provide participants with the fundamental knowledge and abilities needed to achieve a healthy work-life balance
  • give tips on efficient time management, prioritisation methods, and methods for promoting mental and emotional health
  • giving trainers resilience training to help women succeed in their personal lives and eco-entrepreneurial endeavors


Provide guidance on time management and prioritisation techniques.

Knowledge: Time management principles, prioritisation strategies.

Skill: Time management coaching, goal-setting.

Attitude: Supportive, proactive, and commitment to well-being.

Understand and address challenges related to work-life balance

Knowledge: Work-life balance concepts, common challenges. 

Skill: Counselling on work life balance, creating supportive environments.

Attitude: Empathy, understanding, and support for work-life balance.

Promote mental and emotional well-being in the workplace.

Knowledge: Mental health awareness, well-being practices.

Skill: Counselling, creating a positive work environment.

Attitude: Empathy, active listening, and commitment to mental health support.

Implement self-care and stress management strategies for personal and professional well-being.

Knowledge: Stress management techniques, self-care practices.

Skill: Stress reduction coaching, self-care planning.

Attitude: Personal well-being advocacy, role modelling self-care habits.


Understanding Work-Life Balance Challenges


Unit 1

“Work-life balance” emerged as a term in the 1980s and was associated with the Women’s Liberation Movement, which promoted flexible work schedules and paid maternity leave for women (Kolade, 2022). It is regarded as one of the key concerns that is essential to the success of organisations in the modern world. Although women are getting closer to having the same opportunities as men and some women are working to support their families, there are underlying obstacles which include:

  • Married life (or relationship): It is challenging for a couple to divide their workload and spend quality time together. Time constraints may affect career-focused women, particularly if they are required to work beyond their regular work schedules (Chauhan et al., 2021).
  • Childcare responsibilities: Not every family can afford to pay the additional costs associated with childcare. In addition, they would miss out on watching their kids grow up and may be judged for not fulfilling the stereotype of the “ideal mother”. Single mothers face these challenges to a greater extent (Igielnik, 2022).
  • Family Planning: Mothers may face difficulties with parental leave, maternity leave, and going back to work after having children. Career decisions can be influenced by the fear of pregnancy-related bias or professional setbacks (Bryan Robinson, 2022). 
  • Stress: Any of these circumstances – workplace stress, parental stress, and stress related to ageing parents – could result in a moderately high level of stress. Although women are multi-taskers by nature, each of these tasks has high demands, resulting in women  experiencing stress levels high enough to cause health issues, missed work, and a decreased ability to take on new responsibilities (Morgan, 2013).
  • Re-entry after motherhood: Married fathers are more likely to work than single men but married mothers—especially those with younger children—are less likely to work than other women (Kolade, 2022). Due to the fact that women are disproportionately impacted by having children, businesses must talk about supporting them as they return to the workforce after having children.
  • Hybrid working model: Not all organisations have a hybrid work environment, and it can be difficult for women in positions of power to show up to work every day. Furthermore, research indicates that nearly half of women who work in hybrid environments claim they do not get enough exposure to leaders and nearly 60% of women who work in these environments feel like they have been left out of important meetings (Parmelee, 2023). 
  • Equal access to opportunities: Despite the abundance of professional training opportunities, many women remain underrepresented in traditionally male-dominated fields and are unable to make high-level contributions at work due to a lack of education and training (Graph, 2023). Rarely are these programmes created with women in mind (Kolade, 2022).

What women really need is institutional support that recognises and embraces the unique aspects of being a career woman in today’s society, not more advice on how to balance work and home life (Simarasl et al., 2022)


Although it is imperative that employers establish a work environment that is both supportive and sensitive to the diverse needs of their workforce, finding the ideal work-life balance may require people to experiment with a variety of tools and techniques.

Here are some apps to help you attain the kind of balance that makes you happier and less stressed.

Todoist App

You can manage your personal, professional, and educational to-do lists with Todoist, allowing you to manage work and life in one location. Tasks can be sorted by today or later, and labels, priorities, and custom filters can be applied. Together with goal-setting, you can also get weekly and monthly productivity visualisations.


Headspace is an app for work-life balance, mindfulness, and meditation with scientific backing. It includes features like sleep music and guided meditation sessions. Headspace supports initiatives aimed at enhancing emotional, mental, and social well-being through meditation sessions by collaborating with outside scientists and research groups. Additionally, Headspace can tailor its programs for businesses. You and your teams can access hundreds of exercises and meditations with Headspace for Work.


With the powerful note-taking app Notability, you can work faster and more efficiently, freeing up more time for your personal life. Even for children, the app is user-friendly, so when you have some free time, use it to draw with your children. Notability is a single tool that combines your own illustrations, handwriting, PDFs, images, graphics, and voice recordings.

Spark Mail

Spark Mail is an app for work-life balance that lowers the noise of incoming emails. It is an intelligent email organiser that prioritises emails for your various personal and professional accounts, as well as newsletters, alerts, and other features. By alerting you exclusively to emails from individuals you want to hear from, the app helps you strike a balance between work and life.


Often, the most significant obstacle to maintaining concentration at work is the multitude of “moving parts” in your life away from the office. By centralising all your personal data, Cozi eliminates these worries. It has a journal, shopping list, calendar, to-do list, and recipe manager, among other things. Furthermore, it is accessible to all members of your family, eliminating the need to make hurried phone calls at work to arrange appointments with doctors or schedule timetables.

Cozi Homepage


Time Management and Prioritisation Techniques


Time management plays a pivotal role in the success of eco-entrepreneurs, who navigate the complexities of sustainable business ventures amidst limited resources and competing demands. Research underscores the significance of effective time management in fostering productivity, reducing stress, and enhancing overall performance in entrepreneurial endeavors (Fayolle & Gailly, 2013). Particularly in the context of eco-entrepreneurship, where entrepreneurs often wear multiple hats and face unique challenges related to environmental impact and social responsibility, mastering time management becomes essential for achieving long-term sustainability goals (Lévesque & Stephan, 2019).

Prioritisation serves as a cornerstone of effective time management, guiding eco-entrepreneurs in allocating their limited time and resources to tasks with the highest impact. Theoretical frameworks such as Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix and Peter Drucker’s concept of “doing the right things” emphasise the importance of distinguishing between urgent and important tasks to optimise productivity and achieve strategic objectives (Ahmadzada, 2023). By adopting systematic approaches to prioritisation, eco-entrepreneurs can streamline decision-making processes, focus on activities that align with their core values and mission, and drive sustainable growth in their ventures (Gibbons, 2020).

Beyond efficiency and productivity, effective time management in eco-entrepreneurship encompasses fostering creativity and collaboration within entrepreneurial ecosystems. Research suggests that time constraints can serve as catalysts for innovation, prompting eco-entrepreneurs to find creative solutions to environmental challenges and market needs (Ahuja, 2021). Moreover, collaborative platforms and networks play a crucial role in facilitating knowledge sharing, resource mobilisation, and collective action among eco-entrepreneurs, enabling them to leverage synergies and scale impact (Collaborative Resource Mobilisation by Environmental NGOs: Addressing Global Climate Concerns 2023). By embracing a holistic approach to time management that integrates creativity and collaboration, eco-entrepreneurs can cultivate resilient and adaptive ventures that drive positive environmental and social change.


In the realm of eco-entrepreneurship, effective time management is paramount. In this section, we’ll explore five indispensable tools: the Eisenhower Matrix, ABCDE Method, Mind Mapping, Trello, and Focus@Will. Each offers unique advantages, from strategic prioritisation to collaborative task management and enhanced focus. Let’s dive in and discover how these tools can revolutionise your eco-entrepreneurial journey.

Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix is a simple decision-making tool that helps prioritise tasks based on their urgency and importance. It categorises tasks into four quadrants: important and urgent, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important.

ABCDE Method


The ABCDE Method is a prioritisation technique where tasks are categorised into five levels of importance. A tasks are the most important and should be done first, while E tasks are the least important and can be delegated or eliminated.


Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a creative technique for organising thoughts and ideas visually. Entrepreneurs can use mind maps to brainstorm, plan projects, and prioritise tasks by visually representing relationships between concepts and identifying key action items.


Trello is a popular project management tool that uses boards, lists, and cards to organise tasks and projects. Users can create boards for different projects, add tasks as cards, and move them across lists (e.g., To Do, Doing, Done) to track progress. Trello is highly customisable and can be adapted to various workflows.


Focus@Will is a music streaming service designed to improve focus, concentration, and productivity. It offers scientifically curated music playlists that are specifically engineered to enhance concentration and reduce distractions. Users can choose from various music channels based on their preferences and work style, helping them create an optimal environment for productive work sessions.


Promoting Mental and Emotional Well-being

Mental and emotional well-being refers to the state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy, both mentally and emotionally, in all aspects of life, including work and personal life (Sissons, 2024). It is crucial to address mental and emotional well-being as it directly impacts one’s ability to cope with stress, maintain productivity, and sustain a healthy work-life balance (2024).

Positive psychology offers a profound lens through which we can understand and cultivate mental and emotional well-being. Unlike traditional psychology that focuses on pathology and dysfunction, positive psychology emphasises strengths, virtues, and factors that contribute to a fulfilling life (Catherine Moore, 2024). Central concepts include flourishing, which entails experiencing positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment. Additionally, resilience, the ability to bounce back from adversity, and mindfulness, the practice of being present in the moment, play pivotal roles (Oades & Mossman, 2017). Through positive psychology interventions such as gratitude exercises, strengths identification, and mindfulness practices, we can effectively promote mental and emotional well-being among women entrepreneurs (Madhuleena Roy Chowdhury, 2024).

Self-care and work-life integration are integral components of nurturing mental and emotional well-being (Eatontown, 2024). Self-care involves deliberate actions aimed at maintaining or improving physical, mental, and emotional health (Martínez et al., 2021). This encompasses prioritising adequate sleep, nutrition, exercise, and relaxation techniques, as well as practicing self-compassion, setting boundaries, and seeking social support (ibis.). Work-life integration, on the other hand, emphasises blending work responsibilities with personal life activities to achieve harmony and fulfillment (Burge, 2023). By integrating self-care practices and fostering work-life integration, we not only enhance individual well-being but also contribute to increased productivity, job satisfaction, and overall success in eco entrepreneurship endeavors.

Useful Tools

You will discover an assortment of self-care tools tailored to enhance your well-being. From meditation and journaling apps to yoga platforms and stress management resources, this collection offers solutions for every aspect of self-care. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, mindfulness, or digital detox support, these tools are readily available across mobile and web platforms to seamlessly integrate into your daily routine.


Offers guided meditations, sleep sounds, and mindfulness exercises.

Day One

Allows you to journal your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with the option to add photos and location data.

Your Journal for Life | Day One

Down Dog

A reflective exercise with a visual depiction of intersecting categories that shape one’s individual identity, which can be used as an interactive tool for understanding intersectionality

I am - Daily Affirmations

Provides daily affirmations and positive quotes to boost self-esteem and motivation.


Guides you through various breathing exercises for stress relief, relaxation, and better sleep.


Provides customised background noises like rain, waves, and forest sounds to enhance focus and relaxation.


Self-Care and Stress Management Strategies

Unit 4

  • Physical Self-Care:
    • Regular exercise: Engage in activities like yoga, walking, or dancing to release tension and boost endorphins (Robinson, 2024).
    • Healthy nutrition: Prioritise a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to fuel your body and mind (Kubala, 2023).
    • Adequate rest: Ensure you get enough sleep each night to recharge and rejuvenate your body (Peters, 2024).
  • Emotional Self-Care:
    • Set boundaries: Learn to say no to excessive demands and prioritise your own needs and well-being (Kubala, 2023).
    • Seek support: Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, or mentors who can offer guidance and encouragement (Cohen, 2022).
    • Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself, forgive your mistakes, and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small (Wellnite, 2023).
  • Mindfulness and Meditation:
    • Practice mindfulness meditation to cultivate awareness of the present moment and reduce stress (Shukla, 2023).
    • Deep breathing exercises: Incorporate deep breathing techniques to calm your mind and relax your body during moments of stress (Cronkleton, 2023).
    • Progressive muscle relaxation: Tense and release different muscle groups to alleviate physical tension and promote relaxation (Nunez, 2020).
  • Time Management:
    • Prioritise tasks: Use techniques like the Eisenhower Matrix to categorise tasks based on importance and urgency (Asana, 2024).
    • Break tasks into smaller steps: Divide large projects into manageable chunks to avoid feeling overwhelmed (Bradford, 2023).
    • Set realistic goals: Establish achievable goals and deadlines to reduce stress and maintain focus (Osamwonyi, 2024).
  • Morning Routine:
    • Start your day with a mindful practice such as meditation, journaling, or stretching to set a positive tone for the day (Staff, 2024).
    • Eat a nutritious breakfast to fuel your body and brain for optimal performance throughout the day (Jacoby, 2023).
  • Midday Breaks:
    • Take short breaks throughout the day to rest and recharge, whether it’s a walk outside, deep breathing exercises, or a quick mindfulness practice (Elizabeth Scott, 2023).
    • Practice the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds to reduce eye strain from screen time (Marcin, 2017).
  • Evening Wind-Down:
    • Establish a relaxing bedtime routine to signal to your body that it’s time to unwind and prepare for sleep (Mosunic, 2024).
    • Limit screen time before bed and engage in calming activities such as reading, gentle stretching, or listening to soothing music to promote restful sleep (Mosunic, 2024).

Useful Tools

Explore a selection of stress management tools aimed at enhancing relaxation and mindfulness. From meditation and mindfulness apps to stress tracking resources, these tools offer various features to assist in stress management. Available on mobile and web platforms, they provide convenient access to practices that can easily be incorporated into your daily routine.

Useful Tools

Insight Timer

Provides a vast library of guided meditations, mindfulness practices, and talks from leading mindfulness experts


Helps you track and manage stress levels through self-assessment quizzes, stress-related articles, and relaxation techniques.


Offers guided imagery sessions, visualisation exercises, and relaxation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety.


Offers science-based activities and games designed to reduce stress, build resilience, and foster positive thinking.

Sleep Cycle alarm clock

It tracks your sleep patterns and wakes you up during your lightest sleep phase helping you feel more refreshed and energised in the morning


The pursuit of work-life balance is crucial for the success of organisations and the well-being of individuals, especially women entrepreneurs. Despite advancements in gender equality, women still face significant challenges, including managing marital responsibilities, childcare, and career decisions influenced by pregnancy-related biases. Stress arising from these responsibilities can lead to health issues and decreased productivity. Additionally, re-entering the workforce after motherhood poses unique challenges. It’s imperative for businesses to provide institutional support tailored to the needs of career women, rather than offering generic advice on balancing work and home life.

Work-life balance is the harmony individuals seek between their professional duties and personal life to maintain well-being and prevent burnout.

The Women’s Liberation Movement refers to a social and political campaign advocating for gender equality and women’s rights, particularly in areas such as employment, education, and reproductive rights.

Flexible work schedules refer to arrangements that allow employees to vary their working hours or location, offering alternatives to traditional fixed schedules.

 Paid maternity leave is a workplace benefit that provides compensation to employees, typically mothers, during a designated period of time following the birth or adoption of a child, allowing them to take time off from work while still receiving income.

Mental well-being refers to a person’s overall state of mental health and happiness, encompassing factors such as emotional resilience, cognitive functioning, and psychological stability.

 Emotional well-being refers to the state of being emotionally healthy and balanced, involving the ability to understand, manage, and express emotions effectively, as well as maintain positive relationships and cope with life’s challenges.


  1. Baird, M. (2023, March 8). Women Are Still Underrepresented in Leadership and the Technology, Information and Media industry. LinkedIn. January 9, 2024, 
  2. Bryan Robinson, Ph. D. (2022, October 12). Pregnancy discrimination in the workplace affects mother and Baby Health. Forbes. 
  3. Chauhan, J., Mishra, G., & Bhakri, S. (2021). Career success of women: Role of family responsibilities, mentoring, and perceived organizational support. Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, 26(1), 105–117. 
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  6. Parmelee, M. (2023, April 25). Deloitte Insights. January 9, 2024,
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  27. Cronkleton, E. (2023, March 24). 10 breathing exercises to try: For stress, training, and Lung Capacity. Healthline.
  28. Elizabeth Scott, P. (2023, November 9). How to take a break from work (and Why you need to). Verywell Mind.
  29. Jacoby, S. (2023, August 14). 8 things neurologists eat for breakfast for better brain health – and 2 things they avoid.
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  34. Wellnite. (2023, October 10). Self-compassion: Granting yourself the kindness you freely offer to others. LinkedIn.

Quiz time

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